The types of apparel that Patagonia sells are many items such as clothing and gear. They sell jackets, sweaters, socks, shoes, vests, pullovers, pants, luggage, duffels and much more. The apparel is set for any sport there are different types of apparel for each selection of sport or event. There are categories such as ski/snowboarding, fly fishing, hiking, surfing, trail running, and yoga. T5hese items are made to the best fit of the environment and its surroundings such as weather conditions. The durability is to meet what is best for that time and event or action. The use of wools and different fibers are important to the brand of Patagonia to make its products environmental friendly. Patagonia focuses on how to use different fibers and products in the best ways possible that are safe and to maintain some of our environment that we are losing. The feelings that Patagonia evokes is a feeling of comfort and knowledge of its purpose to do good things for its environment and the use to protect other customers.
The kinds of place that Patagonia brand sells to would be in an athletic stores or retail store including online retail stores. All over the U.S. Patagonia items are sold and out side of the U.S. too items can be purchased and shipped or bought by hand in stores. In Murfreesboro Patagonia brands can be found in Bink’s Sporting Goods or Dicks Sporting Goods. The items can be found in these athletic places because the customers use is pertaining usually targeting the use of exercise in some sport or routine. When I am looking for a good jacket or coat that is going to hold up during bad weather conditions or to go skiing in I would go to an athletic retail store to heck first. It is that kind of place that you can find Patagonia brands or on the Internet.
Patagonia’s brands will be associated with sports and other activities. It is focused around similar brands such as North Face, Screw, and Columbia. The services that Patagonia provides are through retail stores and the Internet and offer such outlooks on FaceBook, Twitter, YouTube, and MySpace. The convenience of shopping is convenient to its customers. The customer can look at the athletic retail stores and if the certain item can’t be found there than the next approach is shopping on the Internet or let the retail store buy the item for you to be shipped in the store. Patagonia is awesome to work with in many ways and they are more than willing to help everyone or anyone that needs help or has questions on their website.
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